

The location where Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche entered parinirvana on 28 September 1991 in the hospital in Thimphu, Bhutan



Today 10/9 is the 26th Parinirvana anniversary of Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.



Discarding all other thoughts, you should be concerned only with the Dharma.



You do not need to think about wealth, fame, and power, but should cultivate humility. Do this not only for a few months of retreat but for the entire duration of your life, until the very moment of your death. When death comes, it is of no use to be among many worldly people; it is better to die in an empty cave, one-pointedly absorbed in your spiritual practice. With this frame of mind, the obstacles of Mara will have no place to grasp hold of you…



You must constantly check whether or not you succeed in using the teaching to tame your conflicting emotions. If any practice has the opposite result, increasing your conflicting emotions and your selfishness, it is not suited for you, and you should give it up. Once you have started to practice, don't follow just anyone's advice. Be like a wild animal jumping out of a trap and running as far away as it can. You must be completely free from samsara, not half in and half out …



When you find yourself in the midst of a large gathering, never lose your mindfulness. Preserve the state of uncontrived simplicity and remember the guru's instructions.



You should be like a mother who has been separated from her newborn baby. A woman who has just had a child is extremely loving and attentive to him; and if someone takes the child away from her even for a very short time, she can't stop thinking about him. In the same way, you should never part from mindfulness and vigilance...


即使就在今天,死亡像閃電般擊中了你,你也必須毫無悲傷或悔恨,對於後事了無執著地說走就走。你應該像老鷹翱翔於藍天那般,安住在你對 「見」的了知當中,如此地離開人世。

Even if death were to strike you today like lightning, you must be ready to die without sadness or regret, without any residue of clinging to what is left behind. Remaining in the recognition of the view, you should leave this life like an eagle soaring up into the blue sky.



When the eagle takes flight into the vast sky, it never thinks, "My wings won't be able to carry me; I won't be able to fly that far." Likewise, when dying, remember your guru and his instructions, and adhere to them with complete confidence.


- 頂果欽哲仁波切《邁向證悟-藏密大師的心要建言》,頁292-293

- Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche , On the Path to Enlightenment, pp.211-212

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